Geelong Preseason Proposed Draw 2013 Cup
Friday 1st February 2013
7.00p.m. North Geelong v Corio
Sunday 3rd February 2013
6.00p.m. Geelong Rangers v Bell Park
7.20p.m. Geelong v Surfcoast
Friday 8th February 2013
6,00p.m. Corio v Bell Park
7.20p.m. North Geelong v Geelong
Sunday 10th February 2013
6.00p.m. Geelong Rangers v Geelong
7.20p.m. North Geelong v Surfcoast
Friday 15th February 2013
6.00p.m. North Geelong v Bell Park
7.20p.m. Corio v Geelong
Sunday 17th February 2013
6.00p.m. Bell Park v Surfcoast
7.20p.m. Geelong Rangers v Corio
Friday 22nd February 2013
6.00p.m. Corio v Surfcoast
7.20p.m. North Geelong v Geelong Rangers
Sunday 24th February 2013
6.00p.m. Bell Park v Geelong
7.20p.m. Surfcoast v Geelong Rangers
Sunday 3rd March 2013
3.00p.m. 3rd and 4th Playoff*
5.00p.m. Final
*Please note Finals are 45 minute games. There is no extra time in 3rd and 4th Playoff. Game goes to penalties if tied after 90 minutes.
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