FFV Ramps up Assistance Available to Clubs

In 2012, FFA and its Member Federations commissioned Sport Business Partners (SBP) to conduct a national customer growth program (combining market research, evaluation and advisory approaches). The objective was to understand a series of participant, stakeholder and fan engagement attitudes and opinions, which need to be addressed in order to grow the game and the ‘Football Economy’. The summary of main findings can be viewed by clicking here.

As a direct result of the research results, FFA and FFV are implementing a series of initiatives which will assist clubs in retaining and recruiting new players. FFA have just launched a national campaign, Play Football Campaign, which aims to reward clubs for retaining their players, and individuals for introducing new players to the game. 

FFV has also worked on a number of initiatives, all with the aim of assisting clubs to retain current players and attract new players. The following are just some of the initiatives designed to assist clubs:

•    Free team entry for all Optus Small-Sided Football (OSSF) Girls teams. FFV will also waive the team entry fee for the same number of OSSF Boys teams

•    Marketing grant program designed to encourage clubs to recruit female players 

•    Retention and Recruitment Information Guide

•    E-newsletters to all 2012 registered participants reminding them to join their local club in 2013

•    Increasing Female Participation Club Workbook - a tool designed to assist clubs in ensuring they have the right environment to support the growth of female members

•    FFV will include Optus Small-Sided Football (OSSF) promotional material in the 2013 Welcome to Schools kit, informing young children & their parents how to join a local OSSF club

•    FFV will offer preseason grading OSSF Gala Days, which will allow clubs to assess their OSSF teams and enter them in an appropriate league

•    FFV will host FFA School 5-a-side events at clubs with biggest drop in OSSF numbers in 2012

•    Improving club-school links via the School Ambassador Program

In addition to the above, FFA has produced downloadable and editable recruitment flyers and also offer OSSF Parent Information Session to interested clubs. 

For more information on the OSSF Parent Information Sessions, or any of the above, please contact us on 9474 1800 or email participation@footballfedvic.com.au


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