National Competition Review Update

Football Federation Victoria (FFV) has now completed the first phase of our extensive consultation with the Victorian football family about the proposed implementation of a new framework for the development of talented footballers in Victoria arising from FFA’s National Competition Review (NCR) earlier this year.

This has included at least twenty forums across the state. And we are confident that we have heard from as many interested stakeholders as possible. We believe FFV has conducted the most extensive consultation of any member federation.

You will be aware that the NCR is a FFA initiative and that similar frameworks are being implemented in all other states and territories around Australia. Football NSW, Football SA, Football Queensland, Capital Football and Football Tasmania are all implementing it in 2013. FFV, Northern NSW Football and Football West will follow suit in 2014.

In response to some rumours to the contrary, FFV would like to state in the clearest possible terms that it has not (nor has any other party) granted any licence or indicated to any club that it will be granted a licence to participate in the new structure in 2014.

The final model and criteria will be considered by the FFV Board and communicated in early 2013. FFV will continue to discuss the details of the structure with any interested parties.

NCR PROJECTED TIMELINE 2013 (NB. This is an anticipated timeline only)

•    February        Final model and criteria announced
•    March-April     Consultation/discussion 
•    May                 Applications open
•    May-June        FFV staff available to assist applicants 
•    July                  Applications close
•    August             FFV Board consider applications
•    September      Successful applications announced


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