Boot Exchange Program
The Boot Exchange Program has been set up to help parents and players find a new pair of boots without spending money they can't afford to.
Kardinia International College has kindly provided space in a shipping container on their soccer pitch where the boots can be stored and sold from. Corio Leisuretime Centre and Barwon Valley Activity Centre are also supporting the program by providing signed collection points based at the Centres.
Run by Jo Plummer, the Boot Exchange has currently collected 73 pairs of boots through two "amnesty" days held on the 27th of October and the 4th of November. There has been plently of bigger sized boots donated, but Jo says the program would really benefit from sizes 6 and under being donated. Jo hopes that more than 200 pairs of boots can be donated before "Shopping Opportunities" will held.
The Shopping Opportunities at this stage are planned for February and March at Kardinia Internation College in the lead up to the winter season. Dates will be communicated via your club in the lead up to the event.
When choosing a pair of pre-loved boots, donations of $3 per pair will be asked for at the Shopping Opportunities. All money collected will then be donated via the Football Federation Victoria to youths who have been selected to Representative teams, and are struggling to cover the costs involved.
If you are interested in supporting and/or participating in the program, please contact your club, or Jo Plummer on 0400 979 071.
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