MyFootballClub Training Session
Following this years succesful MyFootballClub Training Session held at Deakin University, there will be another session held early next year on the 21st of January, 2013. The session will be held at Sports House in Geelong.
All clubs are invited, and they will have the opportunity to ask any questions regarding MyFootballClub.
MyFootballClub provides players the chance to register themselves, which reduces the need for paper based registrations. Barwon SC, along with 35 other Victorian clubs, had 100% players self register for season 2012. Both Barwon SC players and Barwon SC were rewarded for their efforts in utilising MyFootballClub.
MyFootballClub also allows potential referees, volunteers and coaches to identfy how to get involved football.
Potential players can also find a club nearby, by either typing in the name of your prefered club, or simply typing in your postcode.
Clubs can also find out information regarding responsibilities and news that will be helpful for them.
Benefits for using MyFootball Club include:
Club Benefits:
- Eliminates the need for paper based registration forms.
- Reduces the registrars administration time, resources and effort as players enter their details online which eliminates the need for paper based registration forms.
- The system is free of charge - Saves clubs from buying and maintaining their own system.
- Clubs do not have to chase players for photographs, players upload their own photograph into the system.
- Ability for clubs to add “Additional Questions” and their own “Terms and Conditions”
- Online system available 24x7, anywhere in the world to club officials
- Provides instant reporting and reconciliation for all levels of administration
- Clubs still control the registration of the player by accepting or declining the player registrations
- Players can pay online, clubs receive money sooner. Sell Add-on items, such as uniforms, to players at point of registration
- Optional Online Payment Gateway available to provide players the ability to pay their fees directly to the clubs bank account at the time of registration
Player Benefits:
- Convenience. A player can register at anytime. The system can be accessed 24 hours, 7 days a week
- A simple and easy to understand process
- Eliminates the need for paper based registration forms
- Players can up load their own photo
- If set up by the club, player can pay on line
- Player can maintain and update their personal data any time
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