Kids help coach make his Mark

Image Credit: Peter Ristevski - Geelong Advertiser

Nelson and Ni Reh have come a long way from the UN Refugee Camps after their families fled Thailand and Burma along with other Karen refugees.

Since arriving in Geelong they have developed a passion for football that has seen these two natural athletes selected to represent Greater Geelong Galaxy in the Victorian Champions League, Football Federation Victoria’s summer competition for talented players.

Both boys, along with many of their Corio Bay teammates who are also refugees, would have been lost to the sport if not encouraged to get involved by Mark Czyzewski.

Earlier this month Mark won the Football Federation Victoria Coach of the Year Award for his work with the Karen community at Corio Bay, which began in 2009.

“Originally we were just trying to get the kids to be active and enjoy sport and make new friends. As their skills have developed, we’ve seen that some of these kids might have the ability to play at a higher level.

“This year we made it a priority to ensure that if any of our kids had the opportunity to take their development further, we wouldn’t let some of the barriers like finance, transportation and accommodation stop these kids from playing.”

As well as being a great example of the inclusive nature of the world game, Corio Bay impressed on the pitch, winning Under 13 and Under 15 Boys to Grand Finals.

Since 2009 Mark has worked closely with the Karen community to create an inclusive environment. The kids’ passion for the game is amazing, and they are always willing to help out around the club in any way they can.

“I know it’s an old cliché, but it’s the smiles on the kids’ faces that make it all worthwhile,” said Mark.

“To see the passion these boys have for the game and how football has helped them become part of the wider Geelong community has been amazing.”

Click here for full Victorian Champions League fixtures.


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