Primary School development program

Everyday the visit takes place within 6 primary schools in Tarawa including in the Eastern schools.  NBDO spend up to 20 hours teaching young kids in schools and together with interested teachers.  In day one session the program runs in the morning for primary school and in the afternoon for clubs/communities.   The visit was constantly conducted within 6 schools and 6 clubs everyday.  On the other hands in terms of traveling financials NBDO perform first a visit and then sign in at the KNOC office as to avoid spending a lot of fares by taking bus to Betio and then back to school.  This time NBDO is well negotiate with KNOC admin/morning meeting to take this as an advantage routine for him to travel everyday rather than catching Betio first in the morning and then late to visit schools.  KNOC are well informed and they accept request from NBDO as for his concern everyday.

Therefore, the program still going and hope that in the end of this term all boys and girls between the ages of U12 will get involves a lot in the school holiday break by gathering them in different communities.  NBDO will assist from clubs volunteers with the program.  The holiday basketball program will be conducted within Nawerewere court, Bikenibeu court, Korobu and Teaoraereke court.


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