2012 Award Winners

With the conclusion of the 2012 FFV Geelong competitions last month, Football Federation Victoria is delighted to announce the winners of the respective Best & Fairest and Golden Boot awards.

For a full list of player votes, please click here.
For a full list of goal scorers, please click here.
For a full club breakdown, please click here.

Best & Fairest

Mens Div 1: Dale Harris, Geelong Rangers SC
Mens Div 2: Colby Hart, Deakin University SC
Mens Div 3:Jason Le Fevre, Corio Bay SC
Boys Under 17: Luke Pinjuh, North Geelong Warriors SC
Boys Under 15: Ben Keogh, Breakwater Eagles SC
Boys Under 13: Seamus Wakefield, Surf Coast FC
Boys Under 12:Jared Murphy, Surf Coast FC

Womens Div 1: Matilda Myers, Surf Coast FC
Womens Div 2: Cathy Sattler, Barwon Heads SC
Girls Under 17: Georgie Robbins, Kardinia International College
Girls Under 13: Caitlin Pickett, Surfside Waves SC & Georgia Gordon, Surf Coast FC

Golden Boot

Mens Div 1: Damien Nasta, Lara SC, 16 goals
Mens Div 2: Jim Koldas, Deakin University SC, 19 goals
Mens Div 3: Marcus Jablonski, Surf Coast FC, 21 goals

Womens Div 1: Lara Williams, Surfside Waves, 37 goals
Womens Div 2: Carissa Staggard, Lara SC, 32 goals


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