Young guns receive State call up: congratulations Jesse Didulica, Haris Sulaimi, Hayden Voss, Jak Banks, Ben Tucak.
Football Federation Victoria Talented Player Manager Les Bee said that the National Youth Championships are the culmination of months of hard work and give players a chance to showcase their skills on a national stage.
“The National Youth Championships provide players with the opportunity to play against the best players in the country and this challenges them to develop,” said Bee.
“While the results are not important, we are looking for outstanding individual skill as well has seeing how well players work as a unit.”
Every player in each of the four squads took part in the Victorian Champions League, Football Federation Victoria’s talented junior summer competition.
Heading into its fifth season, the VCL aims to have the best players receive the best coaching and play against the best opponents while adhering to the National Coaching Curriculum.
“The VCL is now developing players who are fully comfortable playing to the National Curriculum where they maintain high levels of possession, understand their roles and are comfortable on the ball,” said Bee.
“The VCL is the only competition of its kind in Australia and through this as well as our winter talented player programs, our best players are playing football at a high level for up to 10 months of the year, which does wonders for their development and helps them reach their full potential.”
On the final day of the National Youth Championships and All-Star team is named for each age group, with that team facing off against the overall winners.
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