Melbourne Victory Sports Development Programme

Football Federation Victoria Geelong has been asked to support the following initiative for further education opportuntities of young high school and post high school students who may desire a different career path that could lead into a sports management career.  Students interested in such a career choice are advised to contact the SEDA group or discuss options with Melbourne Victory or the FFV. refer to details and web addresses given below.


Melbourne Victory Sports Development Program

 SEDA, Football Federation Victoria and Melbourne Victory F.C. are proud to announce the launch of their Sports Development Program in Geelong for 2013. The program will offer students the opportunity to combine their passion for football with an exciting educational pathway.

 SEDA is the first non school senior secondary provider to be registered with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA). The programs offered at SEDA are state-wide Sports Development Programs linking secondary and tertiary education to major sporting organisations.

 The program consists of a challenging theoretical and practical curriculum integrated into the Sport and Recreation industry. Students have the opportunity to complete their Year 11 and 12 and a Diploma of Sport Development, then follow a pathway to further study or the workforce.



 The program offers:

  •          VCE and VCAL Certification
  •          Certificate III in Sport and Recreation
  •          Certificate IV in Sport and Recreation
  •          Diploma of Sport Development
  •          Coaching Accreditation
  •          Senior First Aid
  •          Sports Training Accreditation
  •          Opportunities to articulate into degree courses e.g. Sports Administration, Teaching, Coaching, Sports Management, Business, Sports Marketing and Exercise Science


Applications are now open for 2013 programs and places are filling fast. Please refer to the SEDA Website; to apply online. Selection in the program is by interview and is not based on sporting ability.

 Further information can be found by following the links below:

 Please click here to view our 2011 Program Report

 Please click here to view our Program Guide

 Please contact SEDA Enrolment Officer, Aimee McKie on 9819 9669 or email if you have any queries.  


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