CONGRATULATIONS to Barwon Soccer Club who have won a catered corporate box for the match:Melbourne Heart FC Vs Wellington Phoenix FC on 14th October a
Football Federation Victoria would like to take this time to congratulate Barwon Soccer Club for implementing self-registration via MyFootballClub this season. We know this has saved your Club valuable time and resources through the player registration process and hopefully the end of paper registration forms! While it may have not been an easy transition for some, the hard work to implement player self-registration will pay off in the years to come as this annual task will become a streamlined, on-line process that will make the sport more accessible and easy to join.
FFV is once again thrilled with the continued success of the MyFootballClub implementation in Victoria. To date, over 53, 000 players across Victoria have registered for the Outdoor Season 2012. FFV is leading the way across the country with over 34,000 players self-registering via MyFootballClub and a further 7,200 players making an on-line payment for their registration fees directly via the system, streamlining the entire registration process for players and Clubs alike.
This season over 65% of player registrations processed for 2012 have been via the paperless option of self-registration. This demonstrates that clubs successfully implemented the online registration system with a 92.3% increase of self registration from the 2011 Outdoor Season.
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