Girls summer Sevens Competition for Under 14 and Under 17 girls
Key dates:
- Registrations Open on Wednesday 22 August, and close on Friday 21 September
- Friday 5 October – Confirmation of Teams and Player Registration deadline
- By Wednesday 10 October – Fixtures released
- Season commences on Tuesday 16 October 2012 (no matches on the Melbourne Cup day)
- Season ends on Tuesday 4 December 2012
Key information:
- Social competition open to female players only
- Emphasis on fun, fitness, social benefits, and recruiting new players
- U14’s league (born in 1998, 1999, 2000),
- U17’s league (born in 1995, 1996, 1997)
- Team entry fee $450- one off payment (no payment on the day needed)
- Matches have been modified to maximise the enjoyment for players (2 x 20min halves, played on a half-size pitch, and feature some modified rules)
- Weekly cost of less than $10 per week per individual.
- Team registrations via TryBooking, with full payment required on submission
- Players will need to provide their FFA ID number, or register on MyFootballClub (Play Football Fee- $20 for juniors)
- One central venue
- Clubs can enter as many teams as they wish into each league.
- Only 3 current club players per team, to encourage recruitment of new players (“bring a friend” initiative with current players)
Howard Glover Reserve, Limeburners Road, EAST GEELONG
- Tuesday Nights, 16 Oct to 4 Dec (no matches on Tuesday 6 November due to the Melbourne Cup Day)
Last Modified on 28/08/2012 10:46
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