Junior Football numbers swell

Junior Football numbers swell


It is not just Geelong’s water storages that have swelled in recent months but the number of both boys and girls taking up football through small sided games around the Geelong Region.

Optus Small-Sided Football (SSF) runs every Sunday in the Geelong region through a Southern and Northern hub. SSF provides an enjoyable participation experience for young people of all abilities with a major focus on skill development through freedom of expression, minimal coaching, and limited emphasis on the scoreboard.

Optus SSF is a modified version of the game designed to meet the needs of players aged 5 - 11. The smaller sized pitches with fewer numbers of players per team, encourages more touches on the ball and opportunities for more goals to be scored.

James Ramage, coordinator of the Small Sided football (soccer) Southern hub said "This season has seen a significant increase in teams with an additional six teams joining the Southern hub in the U9 and U11 age groups. The response has been fantastic and we regularly get around 240-260 children playing every Sunday morning. We are also really pleased that many family members and supporters are regularly attending the events and adding to the great atmosphere".


The small sided games are supported by Optus and Football Federation Victoria and provide the opportunity for children to learn skills in a supportive environment. Local Councillor Rod Macdonald who took the time out on a blustery Sunday morning last week to visit Shell Rd Reserve, Ocean Grove and see for himself what all the hype was about. Rod was amazed at the number of participants and commented "it is really great to see so many young children taking part in something that they clearly enjoy and get a lot out of. The organisation was fantastic and there was a real buzz with all the teams and parents that support the event”.


For further details of how to be involved call Cath Sattler @ Football Federation Victoria at csattler@footballfedvic.com.au or 5222 7510


Photo (from left to right)


Adults; Camillo D’allesanero, Rod Macdonald, Jack Willson

Junior players;   Harry Rawson, Luke Smith, Ravi Burman, Luke Glanville, Alex Costoso, Jackson Willson, Ethan Borys.



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