I HAVE never looked at myself, at the colour of my skin and felt I deserve less opportunities to become who I want to be.
But others have.
This week the headlines I have made have nothing to do with me as a footballer. They have to do with the colour of my skin.
That saddens me, but I believe we have the power to change that.
We can influence the next generation to stand up to cultural, linguistic and religious vilification and to racial dislike.
We never challenge each other to look closely at why it happens.
We are all praising Dale Thomas for standing up for me, and I will always be grateful he spoke up, it is a sign we are heading in the right direction.
But I ask, shouldn't that be the norm? His actions shouldn't be so unusual he is considered a hero.
We debate whether Justin Sherman's ban was long enough, and whether the guy on the weekend has apologised or not.
But we really need to be talking about why did it happen?
Why did this come from a spectator's mouth?
An act like that is someone spitting in my face and another saying, "Hey, how dare you spit in his face".
We need to challenge everyone to speak up every time.
We are powerful as a collective. Every time you see discrimination or bullying on any level you have the power to speak up.
You can affect that person right there by challenging them and others who witness it. Those people go home and think about it and discuss it and it changes the way they treat others or the attitudes they instil in their kids, it can have a domino effect.
You can affect that person right there by challenging them and others who witness it. Those people go home and think about it and discuss it and it changes the way they treat others or the attitudes they instil in their kids, it can have a domino effect.
It is hard to know exactly why it happens, but I believe it is because people don't speak up when it happens.
When something is not right in other areas of society we speak up.
If a person is abusing a child, we are likely to be outraged and ask, why are you abusing that child.
We need to stand up to racial discrimination in the same way.
We have come a long way but some people have never learned, they have never changed and they pass their attitudes down to their kids and grandchild.
That is why racism exists.
Last Modified on 25/06/2012 11:50