Northern Hub Small Sided Football 2012

Northern Hub Small Sided Football 2012

Round 5 Sunday May 20thCorio Soccer Club,Hume Reserve, Thompsons Rd,North GeelongPlease note all SSF Venues are Smoke-free, All dogs must be on leash

All matches must start at the appointed time, especially Under 11 matches.

U7 Joeys-   4 v 4

Size 3 Ball                           2 x 15 min with 5 min ½ time break



Lara White

8.45 Pitch 1

Geelong Black


Kardinia Cats

                                8.45 Pitch 2

Kardinia Tigers


Nth Geelong White

10.15 Pitch 2

Nth Geelong Red


Kardinia Lions

9.30 Pitch 4

Bell Park White


Rascal Rangers

9.30 Pitch 1

Bell Park Red


Golden Plains Green

8.45 Pitch 3

North Gelong Blue


Geelong Red

10.15 Pitch 4

Lara Blue


Golden Plains White

10.15 Pitch 1  


U7Kangas-4v4       Size3 Ball


2 x 15 min 5 min ½ time break


Bell Park Green


Sonic Rangers

8.45 Pitch 4

Kardinia Cheetahs



9.30 Pitch 2    

Kardinia Pumas


Bell Park Blue

10.15 Pitch 3

                   Kardinia Wildcats                    


Power Rangers

9.30 Pitch 3


U9 Joeys- 7 v 7                   Size 3 Ball


2 x 20 min 5 min ½ time break-No Football kicks by Keepers


Jet Rangers



8.45Pitch 5

Golden Plains Blue


Kardinia Leopards

10.45Pitch 8

Nth Geelong Blue


Bell Park White

                                   10.45Pitch 5

Kardinia Cobras


Nth Geelong White

9.45Pitch 6

                 Kardinia Seals



8.45 Pitch 6

Golden Plains Red


Aussie Rangers

9.45 Pitch 7

Bell Park Red



9.45Pitch 8


U9 Kangas 7 v 7                 Size 3 Ball


2 x 20 min 5 min ½ time break No Football kicks by Keepers


Bush Rangers


Kardinia Bobcats

9.45Pitch 5

Rocket Rangers


Nth Geelong Red

10.45 Pitch6

Bell Park



10.45 Pitch 7


U11 9 v 9 Size 4 Ball                  


2 x 25 min 5 min ½ time break No Football kicks by Keepers

J – Joeys, K- Kangas

Bell Park Blue J


Corio J

           8.45Pitch 9   9.40 Finish

Geelong Black J


Lara J

8.45Pitch 10   9.40 Finish

Nth Geelong Red K


Rangers United K

9.45Pitch 9 10.40 Finish

Bell Park White K


Rangers F.C J

9.45Pitch 10 10.40 Finish

Nth Geelong Blue K


Geelong Red K

10.45 Pitch 9 11.40 Finish

Kardinia Jaguars J


Rebel Rangers J

10.45Pitch 10 11.40 Finish


Please note 5 minute turnaround time for U11 games-

Please ensure teams are ready to start on time as finish time is not negotiable.

Please ensure U11 teams leave the field promptly after their match to allow other waiting teams to take the field to have a warm up


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