KFC to deliver a FREE Calibre training ball to all junior participants

Football Federation Victoria (FFV) is thrilled to have yet another great season of football underway.

As part of our commitment to delivering value to all our players, we’ve partnered with KFC to deliver a FREE Calibre training ball to all junior participants, such as you.

We’ve produced special postcards which enable you to collect your Calibre ball, and they have recently been sent to your club’s committee members. We’ve asked them to then hand them out to you and your team mates, so we encourage you to keep an eye out for them.

Once you get the postcard, you can go to your local KFC store and redeem it for your FREE Calibre football.

To check out Calibre’s great range of products, such as the free football you’ll be getting, click here.

All the best for a successful season,

The Team at FFV


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