Corio Bay Cobras player vacancies

Corio Bay Cobras (Evans Reserve, Sparks Road, Norlane) has vacancies for people wanting to play football:

Men - training at 6pm Wednesdays & Fridays (matches on Sundays beginning March/April)

Women - training at 5:30pm Tuesdays & Thursdays (matches on Saturdays beginning March/April)

Under 15 Boys - training at 4:30pm Tuesdays & Thursdays (matches on Saturdays beginning March/April)

Junior Girls - training at 4:30pm Tuesdays & Thursdays (matches on Saturdays beginning March/April)

Small Sided Football (SSF, ages 6 to 10) - training at 4:30pm Tuesdays & Thursdays (matches on Sundays beginning April)

We are also looking for coaches for our Junior teams, specifically U17 boys
Phone John (0404 283 835) or Mark (0419 307 068) for details.


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