Barwon seeking U15 players
Barwon Soccer Club’s U15 Metro team is following up their success in the 2011 Season by continuing to participate in the U15’s Melbourne Metro West league.
The team is looking for experienced U15 players (particularly a goalkeeper) to replace some older players who are moving up an age group.
If you want to expand your skills and challenge yourself in the Metro Leagues then we would love to see you down at our home grounds at Grovedale Reserve for training and trials on Tuesday’s and Thursdays from 5.30pm – 7.00pm at Reserve Rd Grovedale. (Starting on 26th Feb - although a meet and greet kick about will be held on Wednesday the 21st).
For those wanting to stay local we will also be fielding at least one team in the local U15 Geelong League as well.
With the new all weather training ground and the prospect of a fabulous new clubhouse being built the club is really going places.
For U15 players please call Brian MacDonald on 0421 057 220
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