Re-installation of Bairiki court light
On Wednesday 21st, the IMPO services was working on the re-installation of Bairiki court light. The work starts in the morning at 0900am until 1500pm per day. The company spent one day of survey and then start the repair in two days. It was been a long occasion the court light has not been used since after a big short of wires which was encountered of pending time due to events were supposed to be carried out in night time. Most of games runs in day time only. However, the work was carried out last year as well during the independence championship which was affect the game as light fixed temporarily. As of this year the federation again follow up the work to IMPO requesting about the work to carried out again and see that it will be done permanently.
Therefore, the work has been done by IMPO service in three days. After the work was completes, the Ministry of Internal and Social Affairs, the federation and together with NBDO was performing an inspection as to make sure the work carried out properly. However, the company charged MISA a total of $665.00 which is covered material cost and labour charge including running new wire cables, 4 240 watt pulbs, changing circuits/switch and re-design the box where the labels of light come from.
The Kiribati Basketball Federation are grateful that the light was fixed again and hopes that it will be no more short or sudden accident will be happen as the arrangement of light are permanently set.
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