Primary School Development Program
On Monday 10th October, Mr. NBDO was performing the school visit arrangement with 6 schools in Tarawa except Betio. During the arrangement which the officer carried out he presented letters, schedules and others which will be enable the program to run without any constrains to be encountered as permission within schools principals has been organised. The program commences in the following week, Monday 17th October according to a set time of working hours in schools. The 50 minutes practice session could covers lessons that must be given to the student including, Passing fundamental skills, dribbling skills and 5 mins scrimmage. The Program was running with teachers (PE) men and women assisting by demonstrating the skills to the kids and also help organised the kid whilst they are first came to practice.
In addition, each schools has the number of kids with a maximum of 30 and up to 45 boys and girls get involve in the program. These kids have seen talented and interested in the sport most of them are the boys and a few girls. Therefore, the program tries to find other effective chances to females which now connect a relationship with the WISIK or known as the Women's in Sport project. It is a great opportinuty to the young talented kids especially for the females to link with the program.
However, the program is ongoing now and it almost to complete. After this program, the school holiday camp will be start in weeks gathering all kids in these schools to join the program. It is an ogoing lesson prior to the first day of school in 2012 Feb which is supposed to be a Primary School competition within the central south Tarawa.
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