Parkes Referees off to Grand Finals

Parkes & District Amateur Soccer Association Inc. along with Parkes District Soccer Referees Association Inc. would like to congratulate the 6 Parkes Referees who will be off to Forbes on Sunday 18 September 2011 to officiate in the 2011 Lachlan Amateur Soccer Association Inc. Grand Finals.

The 6 officials (Stuart Peden, Cameron Stone, Aaron Gaffey, Richard Draper, Arno Kronenberg and Wayne Pearce) will be some of the 9 officials that will be used on the day. The 6 Parkes Referees have been officiating on Lachlan games held in Parkes since the competition kicked off in early April, and the Grand Final appointments is recognition for their great efforts over the course of the season, all who are very greatful to receive these appointments. 4 of these referees will be in control of the 4 Grand Finals.

Stuart Peden will be in control of the 1st Grade game between Tichborne Tigers and Gunns Mensland which kicks off at 3pm, while Cameron Stone will be in charge of the 2nd Grand match that kicks off at 1pm between Railway Chooks and PCYC Hornets.

Aaron Gaffey (3rd Grade) and Richard Draper (4th Grade) will be in charge of thier first major appointments in their refereeing careers on Grand Final day after only refereeing themselves for a bit over 2 years, a major accomplishment in their refereeing careers, with both been regarded as one of the top referees in Parkes and also the Lachlan area.

Arno Kronenberg and Wayne Pearce will be Assistant Referees on the 3rd Grade game, while Arno will also be an Assistant on the 4th Grade Grand Final while Wayne Pearce is the 4th Official.

Parkes Soccer Association and Parkes Referees Branch wish all the officials the best of luck on Grand Final day and wish to congratulate them on their major appointments.

For more information on the Lachlan Grand Finals for 2011 head to the Lachlan website at


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