It been a long time all teams, spectators and communities from central Tarawa and Betio who are been waiting for the moment which is the grand finals. The Kiribati Basketball Federation confirms that the matches for the Grand Finals will be hit on Tuesday 12/07/11 in the Bairiki court commencing from 11am according to the programme.
All default teams from each clubs will be present at that time for cheering, supporting and assist the Federation in other task such as officiating, scorebenching and so on. Not only that but in doing promotion with our major sponsor in order to encourage tenagers to become unite with the company.
The first game will be start at 2pm for division 2 men, second will be for women's grand and the last will be the men.
First game: DIV 2 Men Riannaba and Kulene
2nd game: CACLW Maate and Sualiki
3rd game: Iotia and Rota
Bless you all our finalist and all the best
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