CACL Playoff season commence

The Kiribati Basketball Federation commences the knockout games last week on Saturday 25th June.  The matches start only in the afternoon from 2pm to 6pm.  There were four teams played on that day between Joyce Shipping against Rookies and AllStars with Phoenix.  According to the generation of Final Fixture, the game supposed to be on in the morning between DIV 2 M SF and WDIV 1 SF, but it's couldn't happen as the round for these teams are not completed yet.  As of last week the KBF draw again the final fixture in advance assisted by NBDO in order to complete the round this week and then hit the semifinals on Saturday 02/07/11. 

Saturday 25/11 winner for the Semifinals DIV 1 M

In the first matches, Joyce Shipping againts Rookies with a total score 95 of 34 and the second matches between AllStars defeated by Phoenix 85 of 57 final score.  It seems that Joyce Shipping and Phoenix are qualified for the Semifinal match.

Again, as of today the Quarter finals between Bairiki Sons and TUBA will be at 4:30pm.


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