TUBA starts knockouts!!
Brrrrrp!!!!........the whistle was blown and the first starting fives entered the court at Nawerewere.
That started the Temwaiku United Basketball Association knockout rounds on the afternoon of the 1st of February. This knockout round is the final series in a mixed competition that the Association started on the 24th of January 2011. The competition is composed of 6 mixed teams made up of male and female players from the Association. The idea of the competition according to the organisors is to mix in male and female and at the same time the experienced and the new to the sport. It is a great event to get the competition spirit going and to prepare for up coming National Federation competitions.
"It is very exciting to see many of the players coming back to compete after the long Christmas and New Year break and it is good to see that new players joining in as well" commented an experienced player.
"I used to watch from the sidelines but now I have decided to join as the atmosphere during the competition and games is amazing", commented a new player.
The TUBA newly appointed Executive Committee for 2011 are:
President: Bernard Paul
Vice President: Tanro Tetaua
Secretary: Axel Meletiana
Treasurer: Alexander Nauan
The new TUBA Executive Committee is to be congratulated on the wonderful promotion of the game and a great start to 2011.
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