Teaoraereke Basketball Club begins year!
The Teaoraereke Basketball Club recently elected a new executive to handle the affairs of the club. The club has been an initiative of a former NBDO Aneeti Ioane upon seeing the need of the youth in the Teaoraereke area for structure competitions and the need for a management to coordinate activities. Mr Aneeti Ioane is currently acting on an advisor capacity to the Club. Aneeti is a also a former national rep for basketball. The Teaoraereke Basketball Club Executive Committee members are:
President: Kabutitaake Tawaia
Secretary: Arobati. Kaetau
Treasurer: Kiaman Taakee
PR Officer: Kautu Kaono
To mark the momentus occassion for the Teaoraereke Basketball Club, a club competition was organised with the assistance of businesses and people located in and around the area. The club competition started a round robin schedule on the 27 of January and it is now in the knockout stages with knockouts beginning on the 2nd of January. Club photos will be posted soon.
The KBF Executive is pleased that clubs are taking initiatives to initiate competitions at club level and thus involve more youth in the game of basketball.
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