Mid Week Netball Function

10th Australian Masters Games Netball Function

Below are the details for the Netball function to be held during the 10th Australian Masters Games.

Where: ETSA Park, 155 Railway Terrace, Mile End South

When: Thursday 13th October from 6.00pm

Cost: $20.00 per person; includes Aussie meat roast, roast potatoes, gravy, salads, fruit, cakes, glass of champagne, orange juice

Entertainment: The SA Police Band `Dixie Group

Get your team together to attend this fun event: Order your tickets from Netball SA, PO Box 2082, Hilton Plaza SA 5033, or telephone 08 8238 0502

Team Name:

Player Names:

Payment Details

I wish to purchase tickets @ $20.00 each

Total amount payable $


Cardholders Name Signature
□□□□ □□□□ □□□□ □□□□ Expiry Date ____ / ____

Cheques are to be made payable to Netball SA


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