2010 Champs - Xmas Basketball
The Kiribati Basketball Federation has completed the Xmas Basketball Championship men and women in the Bairiki court. The Grand final was commencing on Saturday 1st Jan, starting 10am with women's and men's finals playing 10 minutes stop. The Game ended at 6:30pm following by given awards to the finalist. Afterward, a closing ceremony party performs after closing remarks from KBF President.
2010 Xmas Champions
For the 2010 Championship men, Bik-Dreams has holding Xmas cup with a total score of 98. For women, TUBA ladies has holding 2010 Xmas cup competing with EMB with a total high score of 75.
KBF President - closing remarks
The KBF President Mr. Rota has officially gives remarks to all Basketball members encouraging everyone to work hard for the next future competition for 2011 events.
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