

1. When do Registrations Close? Registrations for the 10th Australian Masters Games have been extended until 6pm (CST) on Friday the 2nd September 2005. The Late entry fee for registrations received after the 5th August has been waived.

2. Can I still join a team? At this point individuals will be taken up until 5 days before competition if there are still teams looking for additional players. Many teams are currently requesting for more players to join their teams. So if you are still interested in being a part of the 2005 Masters Games, contact the Event Manager - Melissa Lange on 0438 872 201 or (08) 8444 6404 or mlange@adelaide36ers.com and ask to be placed on the Players List currently located on the Basketball Masters Website.

3. I need more players, so what do i do? Each day individuals are wanting to be a part of the Masters Games and play Basketball. There is an Individual Players List on our site which you can access by selecting the munu item 'NEED MORE PLAYERS'. These lists will be updated regularly as registrations are received from the 2005 Australian Masters Games Website -www.AustralianMastersGames.com

4. Are you looking for Volunteers, How can I be a part of the Games? Yes we are looking for Volunteers to assist with the running of the basketball tournament, we will also be looking for referees and scorers. If you would like to be a Volunteer at the Basketball please contact the Event Manager - Melissa Lange on 0438 872 201 or (08) 8444 6404 or mlange@adelaide36ers.com

5. Can I play in more than one team? Yes, we encourage anyone wanting to play in more than one team to do so, if you can last the week. The $50 Sport Entry Fee will enable you to play in more than one team should you so wish. Just remember you still need to fit the age/gender criteria for that team.

6. What playing numbers can teams use? Under the FIBA regulations you can use any number from 0 to 99 at the 2005 Masters Games Basketball Competition. Just keep in mind if you are having uniforms made up and are likely to use after the games what numbers are considered legal in other competitions you participate in.