Line & Phoenix training courses
On Saturday the 9th October in the morning 10am, NBDO has conducted the bigginner level referee and scorebenching course to the Line and Phoenix Is people at the Sport Complex in Betio. The Course spent 2 & a half hours, 1 hr on theory and 1 & half hours for on court session.
In completion of referee & scorebenching, Mr Rota has conducted the Coaching Course after 20 minutes break which is also starting on theory and practical after.
There were 12 people who has attended the training course on Saturday, 4 males & 1 female for Tabuaeran (Fannings) and 7 males for Teraina (Wasington).
At the end of the course Mr Rota thank all the participants for their good effort and desiplines while the course has been carried out.
The Line and Phoenix people will be expected to depart Tarawa on Wednesday 13th Oct, and hopefully all knowledge and experiences from the course will be sharing to their own people widely.
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