Raiders Club Now Recruiting for Winter League
Raiders Basketball Club is now recruiting keen players to join the team. We are competing in 'Social' B Grade Men at North Shore Event Centre, Silverfield Lane, Glenfield, North Shore City. The 2010 Winter Season kicks off from Tuesday 30th March 2010 and will run for approximately 16 weeks every Tuesday night. North Harbour Basketball Association (NHBA), who runs the tournament, use FIBA rules and will play 4 quarters @ 7 minutes stop-clock per quarter.
Raiders also have regular practices at Kristin School every Thursday night from 7pm onwards. We also welcome casual players who want to exercise or burn the calories. (The casual fee is $5 per session per person)
So, what is the winner prize?
The winning team will get the full fee refunded, a trophy and an option to advance to a higher grade.
How much will it cost?
The NHBA Registration Fee is $1125 includes GST per team
NHBA Affiliation Fee of $10 per person
Gym Hire at Kristin School $787.50 for the whole season
Uniform $45 for new player
So, depending on how many people will be registered. For example, if there are 10 players registerd in total, fee per person will be $200 per person plus uniform. If 8 players, it will be $249 each (plus uniform), 12 players will be $170 each (plus uniform).
The registration closes 12th March 2010. If you are interested and want to join us or you know someone who maybe interested, please let me know by 28th February.
Tam - 021 611 168
Last Modified on 14/04/2010 08:13
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