KBF Xmas Tour - Semi-Final Officialls(Referees & Score Benches)
As the Game nearly to start the officials arrived half an hour to prepare and sets the game before the players.
Two games to compete for the quarter final.
First game - Bik-Dream vs Force 5 (Men)- Bik-Dream lead score during 1st, 2nd quarter and tie on the 3rd quarter. Finally, in the fourth quarter Bik-Dream lead again in 5 minutes remains until the game finished.
- Bik-Dream win a final score of 86
- Force 5 loose a final score of 66
Second game - Elitz vs Saint Ladies (Women) - Saint ladies lead the 1st quarter. During the 2nd and 3rd quarter they competing the very tight points. Finally, in the fourth quarter Elitz lead 10 points of Saint ladies of tight score.
- Elitz win a final score of 58
- Saint Ladies loose score of 55
The Grand Final for men and women will be held on Tuesday 09/10 at 5pm to 9pm.
Last Modified on 02/02/2011 23:12
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